Monday, March 8, 2010

What is the most effective treatment for thinning hair in women?

I am 48 years old, and have very thin hair on the top of scalp. I have tried a popular hair application Rogaine, and it seemed to have helped but only very very slightly. I would like to try something more effective.What is the most effective treatment for thinning hair in women?
Women rarely lose their hair due to genetic predisposition. However hair loss in women is reaching new high levels. Thinning hair loss in women may be caused by many problems:

- Hormonal imbalance

- Hair loss related to pregnancy postmenopausal trauma

- Effects of medications including birth control pills

- Nervous conditions including tension and stress

- Medical treatments such as chemo therapy

- Harsh chemicals such as commercial shampoos, perms, hair color, and bleach

- Iron, vitamin and mineral imbalance

- Severely poor diet including dehydration

- Poor circulation can cut off the nutrients that blood flow delivers to the scalp

The average person loses about 100 strands per day (while the average hair grows only 1/2 inch per month). So the more days you live, the more hairs you lose. While you can't stop time or heredity, you can do something about the way your hair appears, even if it's thinning.

Commercial conditioners do a good job of making hair look fuller, as long as you don't overuse them. Don't use more than a teaspoonful each time you wash, that's just a dab in the palm of your hand. Anything more is wasted and can actually make your hair look worse.

Crack an egg over your hair before shampooing, and toss away the shell. Massage it in for five minutes and then rinse it out. Since egg is basically animal protein, it has the same effect as the specially formulated shampoos.What is the most effective treatment for thinning hair in women?

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